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The Potent Energy Booster

Introduction :

Ashwagandha, single herbs also known as Indian Ginseng, is a potent energy booster that significantly alleviates anxiety, stress and exhaustion. It is extremely useful in behavioural disorders and in the treatment of symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

Ashwagandha is also effective in degenerative joint disorders and various other forms of joint mobility. This antioxidant, adaptogen and immunostimulant herb significantly supports fertility in both men and women.

Actions :

  • Improves memory and learning abilities.
  • Protects against neurodegeneration and allied diosrders, such as Alzheimer’s disease.1
  • Exerts significant Immunostimulatory effects.2
  • Favours bone mineralization and protects against Osteoporosis.
  • Facilitates Collagen Stabilization through Collagenase inhibition, counter-acting the disease progression and the irreversible extracellular matrix (cartilage and tendon) and bone destruction in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Osteoarthritis (OA).3
  • Possesses potent Antioxidant, Anti-proliferative (Anti-tumour), Cardiprotective and Anti-hyperlipidemic activities.

Furthermore, Ashwagandhais a potent Aphrodisiac that is especially used in management of Sexual disorders, such as erectile dysfunction and seminal debilities4 in males. It significantly allays anxiety and improves strength, vigour and vitality in both men and women.

Indications :

Ashwagandha is extremely useful in the following conditions:

  • Day-to-day Stress, Anxiety and Fatigue
  • Learning and Concentration debilities; Behavioural problems
  • Lowered Immunity and General weakness
  • Stress related disorders, such as Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus and Premature aging
  • (As an adjuvant in) Osteoporosis and Arthritis
  • Impaired Libido and (as an adjuvant in) Sexual disorders in males and females

Dosage / Serving Size

1-2 Capsules twice daily, preferably with milk.


60 Capsules in a Single Pack.


  • Sehgal N, Gupta A, et al. Withaniasomnifera reverses Alzheimer’s disease pathology by enhancing low-density Lipoprotein receptor-related protein in Liver. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2012; 109(9): 3510-5.
  • Yamada K, Hung P, Park TK, et al. A comparison of the Immunostimulatory effects of the medicinal herbs Echinacea, Ashwagandha and Brahmi. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2011; 137(1): 231-5.
  • Ganesan K, Sehgal PK, et al. Protective effect of Withaniasomnifera and Cardiospermumhalicacabum extracts against collagenolytic degradation of Collagen. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2011; 165(3-4):1075-91.
  • Shukla KK, Mahdi AA, et al. Withaniasomnifera improves semen quality by combating oxidative stress and cell death and improving essential metal concentrations. Reproductive Biomedicine Online. 2011; PMID: 21388887.

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