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Allays Stress and Improves Memory

Introduction :

The potent nervine tonic and anxiolytic Brahmi effectively allays stress, anxiety, fatigue and restlessness, and significantly improves memory and learning capabilities. Besides enhancing Cognitive performance, this herbal adaptogen and nootropic efficiently protects against neurodegeneration and considerably improves the quality of Sleep.

Brahmi’s active alkaloids especially Bacosides, offer significant protection to Brain against oxidative stress, ameliorating and delaying the symptoms of neurodegeneration, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Actions :

  • Possesses excellent Cognitive-enhancing functions - Improves memory and learning abilities.
  • Exerts neuroprotective effect and is useful in Alzheimer’s disease and dementia related Cognitive decline.
  • Increases Cerebral Blood Flow, further supporting its Procognitive effect.
  • Releases Nitric Oxide from endothelium and acts on Vascular smooth muscles, acting as an efficacious Antihypertensive and Vasodilator.
  • Endows significant Immunostimulatory effect.
  • Observed to be useful in Type-2 Diabetes mellitus and Epileptic seizures as well.

Indications :

Brahmi is extremely useful in the following conditions:

  • Learning, Concentration and Memory Deficits
  • Prevention against age related neuroinflammation and allied disorders, such as Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
    Disturbed Sleep and Lack of Sleep.
  • Stress, anxiety and fatigue, allied lowered Immunity
  • (As an adjuvant in) Hypertension, Type-2 Diabetes mellitus, Parkinsonism and Epilepsy

Dosage / Serving Size

1 Capsule twice daily with water after meals.


60 Capsules in a Single Pack.


  • Pase MP, Kean J, Sarris J, et al. The Cognitive Enhancing effects of Bacopa monnieri: A Systemic review of Randomized, Controlled Human Clinical Trials. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2012; 18(7): 647-52.
  • Saini N, Singh D, Sandhir R. Neuroprotective Effects of Bacopa monnieri in Experimental model of Dementia. Neurochemical Research. 2012; 37(9): 1928-37.
  • Kamkaew N, Norman Scholfield C, et al. Bacopa monnieri increases Cerebral Blood Flow in Rat independent of Blood Pressure. Phytotherapy Research. 2012; PMID: 22447676.
  • Kamkaew N, Norman Scholfield C, et al. Bacopa monnieri and its constituents is hypotensive in anaesthetised rats and vasodilator in various artery types. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2011; 137(1): 790-5.
  • Yamada K, Hung P, Park TK, et al. A comparison of the Immunostimulatory effects of the medicinal herbs Echinacea, Ashwagandha and Brahmi. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2011; 137(1): 231-5.

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