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- Coldix Herbal Cough Care Syrup
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Coldix Herbal Cough Care Syrup
Checks Cold & Cough
Introduction :
Cold and Cougharetwo of the commonest manifestations of Respiratory Tract Infection or Inflammation. The modern medicaments – antihistaminics and antitussives –are quite frequently associated with adverse effects, such as Drowsiness, Lethargy, Lack of Concentration and Constipation, which further disturbs the system.
Enriched with potent antitussives, demulcents, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-microbial herbs, Sahul’s Coldix Herbal Cough Care Syrupefficiently helpssoothe mucosal irritation, ease bronchospasm, allay congestionwhileeffectively managing and protecting against infection. It is a Safe and EffectiveHerbal therapy that providesimmediate relief in Dry as well as Productive Cough, Sore Throat, Common Cold, and various other Allergic and Inflammatory Conditions of the Respiratory Tract, without producing any adverse events as commonly met with allopathic medications.
Owing to its significant Mucolytic, Secretolytic and Expectorant action, this herbal formulation facilitates Expectoration and Decongestion, expeditingtheRecovery Period.
Actions :
Expels out excessive Mucus; Bromhexine and Ambroxol, the semi-synthetic derivatives of Vascicine from Vasaka, endow significant protection against bacterial and viral infections of the Respiratory Tract. This herb significantly alleviates airway inflammation as well.
Yastimadhu (Glycyrriza glabra)
Soothes the inflamed Throat & Clears your Voice; Useful in Sore throat, Cough1 and Respiratory Tract Infections.
Boosts Immunity2; Significantly allays Infections and Allergies
Potent Immunomodulatory herb with significant anti-allergic activity; A combination of Yashtimadhu, Vasaka and Kantakari exerts excellent mast-cell stabilizing activity.
Hapusha (Juniperuscommunis)
Significant antimycobacterial action4 – Protects against tuberculosis; Exerts broad spectrum antibacterial action as well.
Excellent anti-inflammatory and expectorant activity.
Kasamarda (Cassia occidentalis)
Potent anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory herb.
Haridra (Curcuma longa)
Endows a broad-spectrum coverage whereby it efficiently checks the underlying pathology as well as distressing symptoms along with headache, body ache and mild fever.
Alleviates Muscle Spasms, Headache & Malaise.
The preparation also contains potent Shunthi Taila (Oil) as well.
Banafsha (Viola odorata)
Soothes the throat and clears the blocked air passages.
Draksha (Vitis vinifera)
Potent demulcent and expectorant.
Alleviates Dyspnoea (difficulty in breathing) & Strengthens the Respiratory Musculature
MahabhariVacha (Alpiniagalanga)
Potent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory herb; Efficiently clears the throat. Significant antimicrobial activity; Effectively suppresses acute Cough. Potent antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic activities. Considerable antitussive and anti-allergic activities. Dispels Congestions & Endows a warming relief Effectively combats the common Respiratory Tract Infections; Provides a soothing relief to throat and Clears the blocked Airways. Eugenolfrom Lavang significantly protects against bacterial and viral respiratory pathogens and allied inflammation; Exerts significant analgesic effect. Soothes the throat; Exerts antimicrobial effect. Soothes and Cools the throat. Potent antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and Respiratory Tract demulcent. Helps liquefy and expel the accumulated Mucus and efficiently clears the blocked airways. Adults: 2 Teaspoonful (10 ml) 2-3 times a day or as directed by the Physician. Karkatshrngi (Pistaciaintegerrima)
Talishapatra (Abieswebbiana)
Gandhapalashi (Hedychiumspicatum)
LavangTaila(Oil of Syzygiumaromaticum)
Menthol (obtained from Menthaarvensis)
Madhu/ Pure Honey
Navasadar (Ammonium chloridium)
Indications :
Direction for use:
Children: ½ - 1 teaspoonful (2.5 – 5 ml) 2-3 times a day or as directed by the Physician.References: