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Our Products
- General Health
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- Akseer Balm
- Antikrim Capsule
- Brenovita Syrup
- Cardiacare Capsule
- Cholestcare Capsule
- Chyawanprash
- Coldix Herbal Cough Care Syrup
- Constiplax Capsules
- Diabex Capsule
- Diabiz Granules
- Eurinex Capsule
- Isabgol (Isabcare) Powder
- Kesharprash
- Livlife Capsule
- Livlife Syrup
- Obeslim Capsule
- Piless Tablet
- Raktima Syrup
- Rumarid Gold Capsule
- Rumarid Oil
- Sennabael Granules
- Trix Pain Relief Ointment
Sennabael Granules
For Acute & Chronic Constipation
Introduction :
Enriched with potent laxatives, antioxidants, gastroprotectives and digestives, Sennabael effectively ameliorates acute as well as chronic Constipation.
This non-habit forming,Ayurvedicproprietary preparation significantly softens the stools, improves peristalsis, facilitates smooth evacuation of bowels and protects the delicate intestinal mucosa from the injuries and lacerations caused due to hard bowels. It also allays excessive acid secretion, flatulence, nausea and indigestion, which are frequently observed to be associated with Constipation.
Actions :
Regulates bowel movements; allays acidity and cools the system.
Sonamukhi (Cassia angustifolia)
Significant Pro-kinetic and Laxative action1; Checks Intestinal worms.
Bilva (Aeglemarmelos)
Improves digestion; Potent gastroprotective and antidiarrheal action.3Bilvaprotects against occurrence of laxative caused watery stools owing to its potent antidiarrheal action.
Significant Pro-kinetic action; Supports Liver Health; Promotes Digestion and Metabolism.
Potent Carminative that effectively dispels Flatulence and Abdominal Discomfort; Useful in Intestinal Worm Infestation.
Aragvadha (Cassia fistula)
Extremely useful as a mild laxative. Protects against gastric ulcerations and Possesses significant hepatoprotective properties as well.
Indications :
Sennabael is extremely useful in the following conditions:
- Acute and Chronic Constipation
- Acidity, Indigestion and Flatulence
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- (As an adjuvant in) Haemorrhoids, Fissure-in-ano and other ano-rectal disorders where smooth evacuation is bowel is desired
Direction for use:
1-2 teaspoonful with a glass of luke warm water at bedtime or as directed by the Physician.
100 g in a container.
- Ishibashi K, Kumamoto K, et al. Usefulness of Sennoside as an agent for mechanical bowel preparation prior to elective colon cancer surgery. Asian Journal of Surgery. 2012; 35(2): 81-7.
- Equale T, Tadesse D, et al. In vitro antihelminthic activity of crude extracts of five medicinal plants against egg-hatching and larval development of Haemonchuscontortus. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2011; 137(1): 108-13.
- Dhuley JN. Investigation on the Gastroprotective and Antidiarrheal properties of Aeglemarmelos unripe fruit extract. Hindustan Antibiotics Bulletin. 2003; 45-46(1-4):41-6.
- Zaman MA, Iqbal Z, et al. In vitro and in vivo acaricidal activity of a herbal extract. Veterinary Parasitology. 2012; 186(3-4):431-6.