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Abha Shampoo plus Conditioner with Orange
For Oily Hair
Introduction :
Abha Shampoo plus Conditioner (Orange) with delectable Orange Fragrance, Lemon and Neem Extract effectively clears away excessive oiliness and scalp greasiness without over drying the hair. It is highly recommended for Oily Hair as it maintains proper moisture balance in hair, endowing soft, bouncing and easy to manage tresses.
Actions :
This astringent and antimicrobial aromatherapeutic oil efficiently keeps dandruff at bay. The de-stressing Lemon effectively soothes and heals the scalp as well.
Aloe vera keeps your hair optimally moisturized, significantly protects against scalp infections and effectively cools, soothes and heals the scalp as well.
Enriched with Saponins, natural cleansers, Ritha (or Soapnut) is an extremely useful environmentally friendly alternative to the synthetic chemical-based detergents. Soapnuts are naturally antibacterial and antifungal and being Hypoallergenic, these are extremely gentle on the skin.
Nimba (Azadirachta indica)
This miracle herb effectively protects against dandruff, lice, scalp infections and inflammations. A healthy scalp is the key to long and strong hair.
This renowned antioxidant and natural hair conditioner Amalaki, effectively prevents premature greying of hair, promotes hair growth and strengthens the hair from root to tip.
Amalaki effectively protects your natural hair colour, and promotes natural shine and lustre of your hair. This tannin-rich fruit endows the vital nourishment to scalp that is necessary for hair growth and significantly prevents various scalp infections.
Shoe Flower or Hibiscus is one of the best known traditional and laboratory tested single herbs that significantly maintains the natural colour of your tresses, heals any scalp infections or inflammations, and effectively promotes new hair growth.
Indications :
Abha Shampoo plus Conditioner with Orange is extremely useful in the following conditions:
- Oily Scalp and Hair
- Excessive Falling of Hair
- Dandruff and mild Scalp Infections
Extremely recommended for Routine Hair Care!
Direction for use:
Apply on to wet scalp and hair, lather well and leave for a minute before rinsing thoroughly.