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Our Products
- Hairina range
- Abha Range
- Brahmi Amla Hair Oil
- Keshya
- Amla Range
- Cool Oil
Brahmi Amla Hair Oil
Adds Strength and Vitality to Hair
Introduction :
Enriched with potent hair-friendly herbs, Brahmi Amla Hair Oil is an extremely revitalizing and nourishing scalp and hair tonic that efficiently manages excessive hair fall and other hair-related problems. It effectively promotes long and strong hair, and helps in thorough relaxation as well.
Actions :
Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)
This renowned antioxidant and natural hair conditioner Amalaki, effectively prevents premature greying of hair, promotes hair growth and strengthens the hair from root to tip.
Amalaki effectively protects your natural hair colour, and promotes natural shine and lustre of your hair. This tannin-rich fruit endows the vital nourishment to scalp that is necessary for hair growth and significantly prevents various scalp infections.
Bhrngaraja (Eclipta alba)
Bhrngaraja, which is appropriately known as Kesharaja (Ruler of Hair), maintains your natural hair colour, and keeps them healthy, long and strong. It is well-researched herb and a potential hair growth promoter1, which is extremely useful in Alopecia (balding).
Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)
Brahmi effectively relieves stress, anxiety, restlessness and fatigue, and induces a peaceful sleep.
Yashtimadhu / Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
Licorice effectively maintains the health and strength of hair, prevents excessive hair fall and significantly stimulates new hair growth.
Mandookaparni (Centella asiatica)
Besides alleviating stress and promoting a better sleep, Mandookaparni (or Gotu Kola) repairs damaged tissues, heals and soothes the scalp, checks excessive falling of hair and helps promote new hair growth.
Methika (Trigonella foenum-graecum)
One of the best known natural hair growth promoters, this protein-rich seed effectively protects the scalp against dandruff and other scalp infections as well.
Neeli / Indigo (Indigofera tinctoria)
Indigo protects the colour, sheen and strength of your hair.
Neem (Azadirachta indica)
This miracle herb effectively protects against dandruff, lice, scalp infections and inflammations. A healthy scalp is the key to long and strong hair.
Rakta Gunja (Abrus precatorius)
Rakta Gunja remarkably promotes hair growth and ameliorates Scalp inflammation.
Sandalwood (Santalum album)
Sandalwood effectively cools, calms, relaxes and soothes the system, and allays stress and fatigue as well.
Narikel Taila / Coconut Oil (Oil of Cocos nucifera)
Coconut Oil efficiently prevents dryness, itching and burning sensation in scalp. It is an excellent hair growth-promoter and scalp nourisher. Coconut Oil protects the hair against damage; it reduces the protein loss remarkably for both undamaged and damaged hair when used as a pre-wash and post-wash grooming product. Being a triglyceride of lauric acid, a principal fatty acid, it has high affinity for hair proteins and because of its low molecular weight and straight linear chain, this hair rejuvenator efficiently penetrates inside the hair shaft.2 It is well documented that Coconut Oil supports the growth of Hair Follicles.
Til (Sesamum indicum) Oil
An efficient hair growth stimulator and protector, keep your hair silky-smooth, supple, strong and healthy.
Indications :
Brahmi Amla Hair Oil is extremely useful in the following conditions:
- Excessive Falling of Hair
- Dull and Lustreless Hair
- Damaged Hair and Split Ends
- Premature Greying of Hair
- Dandruff and Scalp Infections
- Stress, Fatigue and Disturbed Sleep
Extremely recommended for Routine Hair Care!
Direction for use:
Take sufficient quantity of Brahmi Amla Hair Oil on your palm; apply with finger tips on your entire Scalp and Hair Roots. Massage gently in circular strokes for 4-5 minutes. Repeat the process 3-4 times a week for best results, preferably before bedtime.
- Datta K, Singh AT, Mukherjee A, et al. Eclipta alba extract with potential for Hair growth promoting activity. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2009; 124(3): 450-6.
- Rele AS, Mohile RB. Effect of mineral oil, sunflower oil and coconut oil on prevention of Hair Damage. Journal of Cosmetic Science. 2003; 54(2): 175-192.