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Our Products
- General Health
- Men's Health
- Women's Health
- Children's health
- Akseer Balm
- Antikrim Capsule
- Brenovita Syrup
- Cardiacare Capsule
- Cholestcare Capsule
- Chyawanprash
- Coldix Herbal Cough Care Syrup
- Constiplax Capsules
- Diabex Capsule
- Diabiz Granules
- Eurinex Capsule
- Isabgol (Isabcare) Powder
- Kesharprash
- Livlife Capsule
- Livlife Syrup
- Obeslim Capsule
- Piless Tablet
- Raktima Syrup
- Rumarid Gold Capsule
- Rumarid Oil
- Sennabael Granules
- Trix Pain Relief Ointment
Potent Nourisher, Energizer & Stimulant
(Picture can depict Pure Gold & Saffron as well)
Introduction :
Kesharprash combines the matchless rejuvenative impact of Chywanprash along with excellent therapeutic and energizing effects of Pure Gold and Saffron.
Besides being an exclusive antioxidant and immunostimulant, Kesharprash possesses potent stimulating properties as well. This warming health supplement efficiently boosts energy, stamina, vigour and vitality.
It is an effective nourishing, rejuvenating and invigorating tonic with Kaunchbeej, Safed Musali and Akarkara that significantly promotes Desire and supports Fertility in both men and women.
Actions :
- Promotes fertility in men and women.
- Imparts warmth.
- Improves Immunity and prevents recurrent infections, allergies and inflammations.
- Boosts strength, energy, stamina and vitality.
- Improves concentration, memory and learning abilities.
Indications :
Kesharprashis extremely beneficialin the following conditions:
- Loss of Libido / Sexual Desire.
- Male Impotency related issues, such as Premature Ejaculation (PE) and Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
- Male Infertility due to Oligozoospermia, Oligospermia, Asthenozoospermia and allied problems.
- Nocturnal Emission and Spermatorrhea.
- Female Infertility owing to Ovulation related disorders
- Lowered Immunity with frequent bouts of bacterial and viral infections, especially affecting the respiratory tract.
- Prevention against Age-related memory deficit or cognitive decline.
- Stress, Fatigue and Exhaustion.
- Dull Skin, Appearance of Premature Signs of Skin aging.
- Cold weather conditions.
- General debility.
Dosage / Serving Size
1 Teaspoonful (5 g) twice daily preferably with warm milk.
500gm & 1Kg in a Pet Jar