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Our Products
- Medicated Oil
- Guggulu
- Vati
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- Amalaki Churna
- Arjuna Churna
- Aswagandha Churna
- Aswagandhadi Churna
- Avipattikar Churna
- Bael Soonth Churna
- Chirayata Churna
- Dhatupaushtik Churna
- Haritaki Churna
- Hingvastaka Churna
- Jamun Churna
- Karela Churna
- Lavanbhaskar Churna
- Neem Patta Churna
- Panchasakar Churna
- Shikakai Churna
- Sitopaladi Churna
- Triphala Churna
- Yashtimadhu Churna
Mahabhringaraj Taila
The Time-tested Remedy for Healthy, Strong Hair
Introduction :
Bhrinagaraja (or Kesharaja) is renowned for its hair-strengthening and scalp-protecting properties. This herb is well-documented for its hair growth promoting and natural hair color protecting properties
Mahabhrinagraj Taila is an excellent classical combination of Bhrinagaraj with various scalp-nourishing and hair-growth promoting herbs, processed in cow’s milk and sesame oil, which effectively combat excessive hair fall, dandruff and scalp infections, and promote longer, stronger, vibrant and lustrous hair..
Indications :
Mahabhrinagaraj Taila is extremely useful in the following conditions:
- Excessive Falling of Hair
- Premature Greying of Hair
- Dull and Lustreless Hair
- Damaged Hair and Split Ends
- Dandruff and Scalp Infections
- Stress, Fatigue and Disturbed Sleep
Extremely recommended for Routine Hair Care!
Direction for use:
Take sufficient quantity of Mahabhrinagaraj Taila on your palm; apply with finger tips on your entire Scalp and Hair Roots. Massage gently in circular strokes for 4-5 minutes. Repeat the process 3-4 times a week for best results, preferably before bedtime.