Our Products

Mahamarichyadi Taila

Useful in all types of Skin Infections & Allergies

Introduction :

Skin, the largest organ of the human body, constantly suffers various internal as well as external assaults that manifest as skin infections, inflammations and allergies. The Scalp, being no exception, frequently gets dandruff and other cutaneous manifestations. Mahamarichyadi Taila is an Ayurvedic Classical Preparation, which is exceptionally useful in all types of acute and chronic manifestations of Skin, including the Scalp.

Indications :

Mahamarichyadi Taila is extremely useful in the following conditions:

  • Acute and Chronic Skin Infections and Allergies, such as ringworm, eczema and urticaria
  • Dandruff and fungal infections of Scalp

Direction for use:

Clean (or Wash) and pat dry the affected area. Apply Mahamarichyadi Taila twice daily over the same, till complete healing takes place. 

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