Our Products

Mahanarayan Taila

The Classical Anti-arthritic Massage Oil

Introduction :

Arthritis is a disabling condition that restricts the normal functioning and mobility of joints. The role of external massage is equally important and indispensible as that of internal therapy in this incapacitating disorder. Certain massage oils and herbal remedies, described in ancient scriptures, still remain unmatched in their efficacy and result… Mahanarayan Taila being one of the most important ones.

Enriched with warming Saffron and around 50 other herbs, this herbal massage oil with immense Vata balancing properties, effectively restores joint mobility, alleviates pain and stiffness, supports joint and muscle health and re-vitalizes the involved structures. Mahanarayan Taila is extremely useful in Arthritis and other painful and inflammatory conditions of musculoskeletal system as it efficiently improves local blood circulation, repairs the damaged tissue, re-energizes the affected area, ameliorates pain and discomfort, and aids in faster and quicker recovery.

Indications :

Mahanarayan Taila is extremely useful in the following Conditions:

  • Osteoarthritis (OA), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Gout
  • Sciatica, Low back ache, Spondylitis
  • Sprains & Strains affecting the Muscles, Tendons and Ligaments
  • Sports injuries 

Other than local massage, this oil is also useful for Panchakarma Procedures, such as Kativasti, Januvasti, Greevavasti and Anuvasana Vasti as well.

Directions of Use

Apply Mahanarayan Taila on the affected area 2-3 times a day or as directed by the Physician. The affected area is recommended to be kept covered and warm to avoid any kind of exposure. 


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